We aid families and organizations who are experiencing conflict and crisis in finding change, healing, and a new or different peaceful way of connecting.
Our Services
Review our most commonly used services. Don’t see what you’re looking for? We take a custom approach with each client. Send us an email!
Mediation is the process of facilitated communication between two parties that has the goal of achieving an understanding or agreement that allows for a peaceful dissolution of the relationship or the springboard for greater connection and healing moving forward in the relationship.
“Do no further harm”.... when the conflict or damage is bad enough a couple needs space from one another to heal and repair.
We help manage this separation period forming a roadmap that outlines agreements for things like time with the children, finances, duration, communication, therapy, and check-ins. This lowers the potential for escalating conflict and creates a path for healing.
Tired of fighting? Having difficulty with communication?
Through the use of a 4-tier assessment, we get “under the hood” with you to help illuminate the patterns that are keeping you stuck.
Together, we will work to rebuild the way you listen to each other, learn the power of validation, and change the way you respond and make decisions together…
Parenting when divorced can be a challenge! Whether you need to update your plan or learn skills for the first time, it helps to have an experienced guide to help.
Work with us to learn new skills, lessen the impact on your kids, and become a collaborative parenting team.
Being in between Pastors is a difficult time. With fewer Pastors entering the availability pool, the interim times can stretch on longer than anyone wants or is hoping for. This is a great time to heal as a community from conflict, adversity, or even change itself.
We work with church leadership groups (lay, staff, elders/councils) to take advantage of this in-between time to heal, to listen to each other, and to discern God’s vision for their community.
Need help navigating conflict?
Want to take the listening challenge and change your organization?
Looking to learn skills to communicate better in your marriage? We provide workshops that aid leadership groups and marriages with tools and skills to manage conflict, make decisions, and listen more meaningfully.
Time Lengths: 1hr, 2hr, 3hr, 4hr
Looking for continuing skill development for your leadership group, lay leaders, or church leadership/elder team? Check out our catalog of topics on our Workshops and Trainings page.
Time Lengths: 2hrs, half day, full day
Who We Work With